
Plenty of space for sustainable enterprise

Most of the biomass is processed into high-grade compost. The residual waste is converted by various companies here into renewable energy. And the green flows just keep growing. More green in gardens, residential areas and nature reserves means more green waste for sustainable processing. Fortunately, there is still plenty of room for expansion at InnoFase…

Ben Olde Heuvel, Account Manager
Olde Bolhaar

Logistics options

The central location of Synergiepark InnoFase played a major role in our choice, as we collect waste materials from the region. There are plenty of transport options by road and rail, but also by boat. The nearby dockside on the IJssel River is interesting to us due to the volumes.

Peter Jansen, CEO

Wide range of opportunities for sustainable companies

Cooperating on a more sustainable environment gives us energy! The facilities, the location and InnoFase's outstanding network offer companies a huge range of opportunities. The close cooperation between the companies as well as with the Duiven municipality stimulates all contributions to the circular economy.

Erik Jansen, CEO